Re glass Beads
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Re glass Beads
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Our Re glass Beads, recreated from recycled glass bottles, have a resplendent beauty that comforts and energizes people’s lives.
The global waste issue is not easy to resolve, but having helped to rebuild our home, Hiroshima, from the ashes of atomic bombing, we believe it is not insurmountable.
As we take on the challenge of becoming a global brand, TOHOBEADS hopes that our Re-glass Beads will be small steps toward addressing society’s environmental issues.
廃棄されるガラスボトルをグラスビーズに再生させたRe glass Beads。
Re glass Beads の小さな一歩が、私たちが抱える環境問題解決の
At TOHOBEADS, the leading manufacturer of glass beads, we have been working to apply our highly technical glass-processing expertise in upcycling glass bottle cullet.
This challenging project complements glass bottle reuse and recycling by using glass unfit for those purposes to create exquisite glass beads for accessories and clothes.
We are committed to facing up to various social issues while advancing our glass bead-making technologies, so that we can deliver joy and pleasure to our customers with the charm of our glass beads, and at the same time contribute to an environmentally sustainable society.
Iwao Yamanaka
President & CEO